Who started it? Bio Resonance covers a wide range of technologies that in some cases evolved from EDS. Bioresonance includes the work of Rife, Hulda Clark and SCENAR type technologies.
How does it work? The underlying theory is based on all matter having resonant frequencies and every cell in the body resonates at a particular frequency. Groups of cells which together make bodily systems, organs and structures have particular resonant frequencies and patterns. At times of illness the bodies complex frequency and electromagnetic field can change or become distorted. The body is helped to heal and rebalance itself by being connected to healthy frequencies.
The application of frequencies to the body can be done through water, electromagnetic fields, vibration or light.
Hulda clark's use of bioresonance is done by applying frequencies to the body to destroy parasites and disease, in a similar way that a wine glass can be broken when it hits its resonant frequency.