What is the AcuGraph? The Acugraph is a computerized device to analyze & document the energetic status of your acupuncture meridians.
The AcuGraph is an electrodermal screening device.
How can it help? It is designed to measure the energy level of each acupuncture meridian and compare results in a graph form, enabling the acupuncturist to provide the best treatment. It is based on Ryodoraku acupuncture and is recommended for all treatments and takes approximately 2 minutes. The software tracks and stores all patient exams and provides fast, easy comparisons to track the patient's progress and document the need for care. AcuGraph has timed measurements for consistency, and optional statistical-based calculations for more intelligent results. The system is simple enough to be included in any treatment, easy for the patient to understand, yet powerful enough to provide the complete feature set required by the acupuncture professional.
Product Features
Point location option allows you to take manual readings while scanning for exact point location.
Nine important graph types: Baseline, Yin vs. Yang, Element Pairs, Interactive Five-Elements, Energy Cycle, Horary, Statistical Ratios, and Patient Information.
Full information regarding meridian function, imbalances, symptoms, spinal reflexes, and treatment.
Nine included treatment styles include Ryodoraku, 5 elements, auricular, associated (shu), channel divergence, spinal reflexes, AcuHerb herbal therapy, and user-customizable treatments.
Graph comparison vertically aligns and displays multiple graphs, allowing you to easily track patient progress.
All treatment points are photographically illustrated and described anatomically, with point functions.
Advanced automatic Five Element treatment points show functional illustration for patient education.
Over 900 full-color illustrations of points and charts, professionally photographed and correctly illustrated.
Customizable, professional reports with as little or as much information as you want to include.