Physicist, theoretician, and inventor, Dr. Kronn lead research on high frequency electromagnetic vibrations, laser physics, and nonlinear optics. He is chief scientist of the Research & Science Division of Vital Force Technology, and teaches an online course on Subtle Energy at Quantum University, Hawaii.

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Yury Kronn

Dr. Yury Kronn was educated at one of the world’s premier schools in the area of the physics of nonlinear vibrations, Gorky University (former USSR), and earned his Post Doctorate degree at Russia’s leading Research Institute, Lebedev’s Institute of Physics, Moscow.

Dr. Yury was one of the leading researchers and theoreticians heading-up research on high frequency electromagnetic vibrations, laser physics and nonlinear optics.

He began his career as a researcher in the Radioelectronics Design Bureau, where he invented and designed a new type of decimeter wavelength generator and antenna.

After finishing post-graduate school Yury worked for over ten years as a senior scientist and the head of a group of theoreticians in the Academic Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics. He combined that work with being at the same time the head of a group of experimenters in Moscow University. After defending his Post-Doctorate dissertation Dr. Yury was for 8 years the chief of the laboratory in the Department of Dye -Lasers of the Institute of Organic Dyes, Moscow.

Dr. Yury combined his scientific and organizational work with educational activities. He was a lecturer and Adjunct Professor of Moscow University, Physics and Technical Institute, Moscow Institute Steels and Alloys. He taught Bachelor and Doctorate students in a variety of courses in nonlinear optics, quantum electronics and quantum mechanics, and also served as dissertation adviser to Ph.D. students.

Dr. Yury has been a leader outside academics as well. In 1982, together with ten other Russian dissidents, he organized the first independent movement in the history of Russia for trust and peace between Russia and the Western world called the “Trust Group”. In 1987 Dr. Yury was again part of Russian history when he chaired the Disarmament Section of the first “Moscow International Symposium for Humanitarian Problems.” This was broadcast around the world. Dr. Yury was persecuted by the KGB and Russian authorities for his social activities. He was finally able to immigrate as a political refugee to the US in 1988, arriving in this country with $150 and a suitcase to start a new life in America.

Inventor, theoretician, Human Rights activist and organizer, his scientific achievements include:

  • Development of the comprehensive theory of quantum nonlinear interaction of coherent EM field with atoms and molecules.
  • Co-authored the definitive book in his field titled “Nonlinear Resonant Interactions of Light with Matter” based on his theories, and published in several languages. - His book is used at universities around the world.
  • Published over 75 articles on the Interaction of Light and Matter.
  • Design of antennas and generators of EM field (including an antenna patented in the US).
  • Development of theory of multiphoton lasers and laser-stimulated chemical reactions.
  • Unraveling a series of nonlinear optics phenomena, which had puzzled scientists for years.
  • Development of the first in the world four-photon tunable laser frequency converter in infrared range.
  • Subtle Energy researcher for over 20 years. Ten of those years were spent in a scientific underground network in Russia.

Shortly after coming to the U.S., Dr. Yury began working on inventing a generator that could generate subtle energy. Once that was accomplished he started experimenting with different patterns of subtle energy and was able to formulate vital energy patterns that would address specific psychological, physiological and spiritual applications.

The past 12 years have been dedicated to researching and refining these applications, developing a line of products, and developing a network of connections to promote and advance the understanding of subtle energies.

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